Therapeutic Approaches
I adopt an integrative approach in my work as a Counselling Psychologist. This means that I draw upon several different therapies. In particular, I work 'phenomenologically', which means I will seek to understand your unique experience of living in the world. As a result, I will not judge or label you; however, I will support you to gain greater self-awareness and make choices and changes that feel right for you. The integrated models include CBT, creative and play therapies, and psychodynamic and humanistic/person-centred approaches.
Humanistic Psychotherapy
Humanistic psychotherapy focuses on the theory that every individual has the potential for personal development and growth. Given the appropriate conditions and environment, they can reach their true potential. My role is to provide this environment through an empathic, supportive, warm, and nonjudgmental stance. This approach underpins all of my therapeutic work.
Parks Inner Child Therapy (PICT)
PICT is a powerful and versatile visualisation-based therapy model. It is an evolving form of cognitive therapy with a foundation in Transactional Analysis that incorporates Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to aid rapid positive change. PICT was initially designed to address childhood abuse (emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect); however, has been shown to offer significant relief from depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. I was trained under the original PICT framework endorsed and written by Penny Parks.
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
DBT is a 1:1 and group psychotherapy approach developed for a team. The theory states that an individual’s biological temperament combined with a skills deficit results in emotional dysregulation. My role will be to provide clients with skills from the DBT approach to complement their repertoire of healthy coping strategies.
Schema Therapy
Schema therapy integrates elements of cognitive therapy, behaviour therapy, object relations, and gestalt therapy into one unified, systematic approach to treatment. It is designed to address characterological and longer-term patterns of behaviours and emotions. My role will be to guide you through the process of schema therapy to develop healthy relationships with yourself and others.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR was developed to help people with psychological trauma arising from experiences as diverse as war-related experiences, childhood sexual and/or physical abuse or neglect, natural disasters, assault, surgical trauma, road traffic accidents and workplace accidents. Since its original development, EMDR has also been increasingly used to help individuals with other issues and performance anxiety. EMDR is of benefit to children as well as adults. My role will be to take you through processing significant memories and the meanings associated with these events to gain resolution from the distress of the memories. I have gained additional training in advanced EMDR focusing on attachment (AI-EMDR)
Psychodynamic & Attachment-informed Psychotherapy
Psychodynamic therapy emphasises past experience and the development of patterns which negatively impact an individual’s current life. My role is to help you understand the impact of your experience and contextualise these within your current difficulties, as well as to support you in developing alternative ways of relating to yourself and others.
​Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a psychotherapeutic approach which focuses on addressing distressing emotional experiences through understanding and challenging maladaptive thought processes and detrimental behaviours. CBT is a "here and now" approach that focuses on developing alternative options for current coping strategies. My role is to help you identify your negative thinking, understand the impact these have on your emotions and behaviours and develop alternative options with you.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is an empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies and commitment and behaviour change strategies to increase psychological flexibility. My role will be to help clients learn, develop, and improve their acceptance and mindfulness practice while understanding their values and increasing behaviours that reflect these values.
ADHD Focused Therapy
ADHD Therapy includes using a combination of therapeutic models and psychoeducation to facilitate self-understanding and adapt to address common challenges associated with ADHD, focusing on executive functioning and self-acceptance/compassion.